After the careful analysis of such psychological diseases as tristimania, dysphoria, phobic neurosis, obsession, and hypochondria, it is easily concluded that such diseases are either directly or indirectly related with the problems in the urban construction. 分析当代的抑郁症、焦虑症、恐怖症、强迫症、疑病症等心理疾病,就会发现它们不少都与城市建设的问题直接或间接有关。
Phobic neurosis happened more often in female, especially those above 12 years old, than in male patients. 女性恐怖症发生率高于男性,尤其是12岁以上的女性患者;
Conclusion It was very important to close burn wound as soon as possible, to correct deformity, to improve dysfunction, to perform cosmesis and plastic surgery and to rebuild patients self-esteem in order to prevent or decrease the incidence of postburn phobic neurosis. 结论烧伤后及康复期尽快消灭烧伤创面、矫正畸形、改善功能障碍、美容成形、减少伤残程度、重塑自我等,是预防或减少烧伤恐怖症发生率的关键。
Q& A on Sex Analysis of the mental state of burn patients with postburn phobic neurosis 严重烧伤恐怖性神经症的心理状态分析研究
Comparison of psychological health status and character traits in patients with depressive neurosis, anxiety neurosis, obsessive neurosis and phobic neurosis 抑郁性神经症、焦虑、强迫和恐惧症患者心理健康状况及其性格特征的比较